Tuesday, April 9, 2013

You Can't Crash on a Merry-go-Round

Why should self care be so difficult and self destruction so easy.  Why long for the body you had twenty years ago? Why castigate yourself for the moment of weakness as your tongue relishes the oh-so-fake cheese of the beefy nacho griller washed down with poisonous Dr. Pepper? Why bemoan the fact you have averaged 40 hours of overtime a month this year rather than smile with satisfaction over the extra payment made to Visa?

Celebrate the crisp juicy organic apple that was your afternoon snack. Don't dwell in the fatigue that followed every step through Walmart and Costco. Delight in the fact that you have the mobility to walk for thirty minutes.  Think of the unfortunates you saw on  your way to the store tethered to the motorized wheelchair they must rely on.

Let go of the double edged comment from your coworker about wanting to assign overtime to make sure his shift is taken care of. Convince yourself that he really does want to lighten your load and cheerfully train him. Don't be jealous of the new supervisor winning over all of the people who screwed you over when you became a supervisor. Take a lesson.  If nothing else, you have to interact with them less.

Shift the paradigm. Fill the glass. And if you are stuck on the merry-go-round, feel the joy of the music and the rhythm of the horse. And be grateful that the horses never collide.

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